Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), while not scientifically proven, is an interdisciplinary approach that explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic), and how we behave (programming).

At its core, NLP is guided by a set of foundational beliefs or presuppositions that are considered useful in enhancing communication, understanding behaviour and addressing unwanted patterns to support personal development.

As well as a set of powerful skills, NLP is a philosophy and an attitude that is useful when your goal is excellence in whatever you do.’ (The Association for NLP)

Core NLP Principles (NLP Presuppositions): 

Respect for Others’ Perceptions

We’re all unique and experience the world our way.

The Map is Not the Territory

Our perception of the world is a subjective representation, not the actual world itself. People create internal maps based on their experiences, which influence how they perceive and interact with reality.

Everyone’s map is different, and no single map is entirely accurate or complete.

People Respond according to Their Maps of the World, not reality

Individuals react based on their internal representations of the world, not on external reality. Understanding these internal maps is crucial for understanding behaviour and facilitating change.

We Have All the Resources We Need

We have all the required internal and external resources or can create them. As well as we have all the abilities. There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states.

The Mind and Body Form a Linked System

Mind and body are interconnected and influence each other. Changes in one can lead to changes in the other, mental states can influence physical health, and changing even body posture can influence mental states.

Choice is Better Than No Choice

Having options allows for more opportunities to achieve desired outcomes. Expanding choices can lead to better decisions and results.

People Are Always Making the Best Choice Available to Them

Given their current map of the world and the resources they perceive as available, people make the best choices they can. Expanding their options can lead to better choices.

The Meaning of Communication is the Response You Get

The meaning of communication lies in the response it elicits. It’s the communicator’s responsibility to adjust their methods until the intended message is understood.

There is No Failure, Only Feedback

Every outcome provides valuable information for learning. What may seem like failure is simply feedback that helps us adjust our strategies and behaviours for better results. This mindset encourages resilience and continuous improvement.

Every Behaviour Has a Positive Intention

Behind every behaviour, no matter how problematic it may seem, lies a positive intention at a deeper level, such as safety or connection. Recognising this can help address underlying needs constructively.

All Behaviour is Adaptive

Behaviours develop as adaptations to situations or environments. While some behaviours may become maladaptive, they originally served a useful purpose.

Understanding this can help in creating more effective behavioural strategies.

Change is Inevitable

Change is a constant in life. Understanding and leveraging it enables personal growth and development.

We are always communicating

Even when we remain silent we still communicate. As well as the words we use are not the events they represent.

If What You Are Doing Isn’t Working, Do Something Else

Flexibility is key to success. If a particular approach isn’t yielding the desired results, it’s important to try different strategies or methods.

The person with the most behavioural flexibility will have the greatest influence.

Rapport Establishes Trust and Understanding

There are no resistant clients, only inflexible communicators.

Building rapport — that involves matching and mirroring the communication style, body language, and even the language patterns of the other person to create a sense of connection and empathy — trust and mutual understanding is vital for effective communication and interaction. It’s the foundation of successful interpersonal relationships.

Anything Can Be Accomplished if Broken Down into Small Enough Steps

Large tasks become more manageable when broken into smaller, achievable steps. This approach facilitates progress and success, making it easier to stay motivated and effective in pursuing goals.

Success Can Be Modelled

If one person can achieve something, others can learn to do that too by studying and replicating successful strategies and behaviours.

These principles serve as guiding beliefs in NLP, helping practitioners understand human behaviour, improve communication, and facilitate personal development and change. And hopefully can help you feel better in daily life and fast-track your success in any endeavours.

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